Creative ways to put company tickets to work
April 30, 2019
By Matt Huff
It’s a staggering statistic: Only 57% of all company owned tickets are used.
Fact: Many TicketManager customers use more than 90% of their tickets.
Let’s look at some of the more creative ways that our partners have been able to drive greater usage and business impact with their company owned tickets.
Selling Unused Tickets
TicketManager customers can now use All Access to sell their unused tickets. You can configure the system to automatically list tickets for sale within a specified number of days from the event, or you can sell them on an ad hoc basis. In either case, the proceeds are returned to you to do with as you please— as a direct payment, to be applied toward the events you really want, or to pay your TicketManager invoice.
Charitable Donations
One of the more common ways we see companies get use from their less popular tickets is by donating them to charity and receiving a tax benefit.
Many charitable organizations have finely-tuned programs which put unused company owned tickets in the hands of great causes such as the Boys and Girls Club, military veteran appreciation and support and many others. TicketManager customers donate hundreds of thousands of tickets annually which would otherwise go to waste.
Use the Lottery
Another option for TicketManager customers is to use our built-in lottery feature. This lets you distribute tickets randomly to a qualified set of people in your organization. Because the process is randomized, you won’t need to worry about any charges of bias or favoritism.
These are just some of the creative ways TicketManager customers make sure tickets get used. If you’d like to learn more about any of these features, contact your TicketManager Customer Success team to learn more!
Ticket Tuesday and No Ticket Left Unused
The powerful TicketManager auto-share feature lets companies share unused tickets with staff at the last minute.
Simply put: If a game or event is only a week away, auto share enables unused tickets to be released to the entire staff. With this deadline in mind, the owner of the tickets is more motivated to find a customer or prospect to invite. Tickets which they can’t find a home for go to a very grateful employee. Everybody wins! Called “Ticket Tuesday” by one of our partners, the auto share feature is one of the most popular features of TicketManager.