How Does All Access Work?
Almost half of company tickets go unused each year. Clients can’t go, there are last-minute changes, or things just don’t come together.

Choose How You Want to Sell Tickets
Sell tickets two weeks, a month, or a few days before the event while still being available to your team.
Alert TicketManager when you have unused inventory you’d like to sell. All tickets are still available to your team.

You Decide What to do with the Proceeds
TicketManager All Access
Apply funds from unused tickets to get the events you really want! Transform unused or underused tickets to your local team and turn them into your dream customer trip at the Super Bowl, The Masters, The Grammys, and more.
TicketManager Software Credit
Your ticket management pays for itself! Apply proceeds to your TicketManager license.
Direct Payment
Receive proceeds via check.
The largest companies in the world are recouping millions on their unused and underused inventory with no conflicts of interest

All Access FAQ
High ticket utilization is important. But have you stopped to consider how those tickets are being used? Many organizations achieve high utilization rates either by giving unused tickets to employees or by donating them to charity.
All Access not only drives ticket utilization higher— it also helps you attract the kind of VIP clients that drive results for your company. Use the proceeds from selling unused tickets to pay for the kind of events your most important clients really want to see.
All Access increases both the quantity and quality of the clients you entertain.
All Access not only drives ticket utilization higher— it also helps you attract the kind of VIP clients that drive results for your company. Use the proceeds from selling unused tickets to pay for the kind of events your most important clients really want to see.
All Access increases both the quantity and quality of the clients you entertain.
Yes! We can set the price of your tickets to face value or any price floor you wish, which means you won’t make any profit off your sales. The proceeds can be applied to your TicketManager invoice, any of our premium services, or they can be placed into your All Access account to pay for events you really want to attend.
Yes. We can make sure the people using your suite are all from the same organization.
In some cases, the team includes special language in your sponsorship agreement that you won’t make money on your suites & tickets. In such cases we can set the sale price of your tickets to face value, ensuring that you are not actually making any profit off them— only recouping your cost.
We work with hundreds of teams, and most of the professional sports leagues, and we can almost certainly help you find a way to use All Access.
This issue is no longer the norm with more teams and leagues changing their perspective on the topic of reselling corporate owned tickets.
We work with hundreds of teams, and most of the professional sports leagues, and we can almost certainly help you find a way to use All Access.
This issue is no longer the norm with more teams and leagues changing their perspective on the topic of reselling corporate owned tickets.
Full ticket utilization is a great goal, but in reality, most companies let 43% of their tickets go unused each year. That adds up to thousands of dollars wasted— and thousands of missed opportunities to take clients out. Customers who use All Access put more than 80 percent of their tickets to work— either by using them directly, or by selling them to get the events their clients really want.
All Access can dramatically increase your ticket utilization.
All Access can dramatically increase your ticket utilization.
We work with thousands of organizations, including most of the Fortune 1000, and we have designed our process to address their concerns. For example, if you don’t want strangers in your suite, we can ensure that everyone there must be from the same organization. If you are not allowed to make money off your tickets, we can set the selling price to face value and apply the proceeds towards your account or to purchase the tickets you really want.
We can work with your company to come up with a solution that’s right for you.
We can work with your company to come up with a solution that’s right for you.
Even if your team is not directly responsible for company tickets, you can still benefit from All Access because it helps you get the events you really want. When your company sells its unused tickets, it can use the proceeds to pay for new events—the kind of events you and your clients want to attend. (Like the Super Bowl, the Masters, and the Grammys)
All Access benefits your team even if you’re not directly in charge of your company’s ticket budget.
All Access benefits your team even if you’re not directly in charge of your company’s ticket budget.
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